Installing an FCS surfboard roof rack onton my car but not sure what to do? help? - surfboard car racks
Tomorrow I'm going to Los Angeles and I have put my advice ontop of the cars. I have a surf rack FCS with the belt, but I'm not sure about keeping the Board of Directors of the same thing. Anyone with experience with a surfboard roof racks help is gladly accepted.
When you open the software shelf, the sliding of the strap across the intersection and then tighten it, and close their doors. The draw on the board strap in the same way, only to put pressure on the board. You need instructions on how to have the straps on the plastic parts that you adapt the racks.
I use FCS Soft Racks and really like them. If it is still the case, so that the on-screen instructions printed on the page. I found it is best to the loop on the passenger side of the vehicle, such as not that the excessive use belt hanging on his face.
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