Friday, February 12, 2010

Do You Need A Fire Alarm Can A Fire Alarm Need To Be Pulled Twice In A Fire?

Can a fire alarm need to be pulled twice in a fire? - do you need a fire alarm

If there is a fire and another was outside and tried to pull the handle down and slid his hand because you are not a good grip, such as dealing with how to remove the handle grip, if they do not show up? Do not be scared to deal with in every way, because you can go too fast? A person who never handle almost all the way and came back, so they need to pull back? How can a good grip to avoid slipping?

This can happen to someone who had never seen a fire alarm system before and she thought he had fallen enough? Has it blocked before releasing the handle when the handle? If you do not have the handle down, will rise again at the end?

1 comment:

trible_i... said...

You should not move with great force. A little jolt, and it should set an alarm.

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