Monday, February 15, 2010

Sudden Hearing Loss More Condition_symptoms Does Sudden Hearing Loss In One Ear Often Cause Loss Of Taste On That Side Of The Tongue?

Does sudden hearing loss in one ear often cause loss of taste on that side of the tongue? - sudden hearing loss more condition_symptoms

It could, if the hearing loss, neurological, or if it is the middle ear. It is a nerve that runs through the middle ear and provides some of their language, so that when the middle ear can be damaged, the nerves are damaged. How can a metallic taste on the part of the language? The good news is that the nerve has on the other side of the language enough to taste and close rapidly returned to normal. His audience is another matter - go see an ear doctor! Good luck!

1 comment:

LetThemH... said...

You should see a doctor and no time on it. The taste is determined by the chorda nerve, which carries a controlled listening to the hearing and facial nerve. Everything you touched, were both very seriously.

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